HYBRID-STUDIO 5B-Handle  5A-Shaft (MT) 16.00" (53 grams) .595" Diameter, .030" Wall Thickness

HYBRID-STUDIO 5B-Handle 5A-Shaft (MT) 16.00" (53 grams) .595" Diameter, .030" Wall Thickness

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HYBRID-STUDIO 5B-Handle 5A-Shaft (MT) 16.00" (53 grams) .595" Diameter, .030" Wall Thickness
En stock entrega 1-3 dias

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Baqueta HYBRID-STUDIO 5B-Handle 5A-Shaft (MT) Este modelo en un hibrido ente 5A y 5B. En el mango te ofrece la empuñadura de una 5B y en la parte su perior es una 5A, proporcionando un gran equilibrio y velocidad. LENGTH: 16" DIAMETER: 0.595" WALL THICKNESS: 0.030" WEIGHT: 54 grams TAPER: Medium COVER: MT COVER OPTIONS: MTS, MTW, WMT TIP: 5AT TIP TYPE: ST801 TIP OPTIONS: 5AS, 5AB, 5ATB BLEND RING: RGB5A OPTIONAL MALLET HEAD: Yes
iber 5ABS
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HYBRID-STUDIO 5B-Handle 5A-Shaft (MT) 16.00" (53 grams) .595" Diameter, .030" Wall Thickness

HYBRID-STUDIO 5B-Handle 5A-Shaft (MT) 16.00" (53 grams) .595" Diameter, .030" Wall Thickness

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